Rebecca Wong

mockup screens

demo of walkthrough and gameplay

app screen sketch

sample high fidelity mockup screen

positive insights from user testing

constructive insights and actions from user testing

constructive insights and actions from user testing

Figma prototype

metabolic modeling game web app

I worked in a team of 5 at Lawrence Hall of Science in Berkeley, CA from late 2019 to 2021 to implement an educational bioengineering simulation game. The goal was to provide educational content on metabolic modeling in an engaging manner to appeal to a target audience of children.

I joined on the team at the beginning of the project and was heavily involved with the product ideation. I led the user interface design, in which I developed a visual identity for the product, created mockups in Figma to communicate the interactions to stakeholders, and illustrated all graphic assets in the game. I also worked intensively on the programming for both the front-end and central gameplay algorithm.